Ravi's Running Blog

Sunday, May 07, 2006

One small step for man...

So I've been officially off of running for the last few months due to a strange hip ailment. I first noticed this when I was getting into the car -- it was very difficult (and painful) to lift my left leg -- at the hip point. I've gone to some specialists, had a "sensory deprivation" MRI and X-rays. My hip (apparently) is fine.

I've been on prescription anti-inflammatories and have stopped carrying my jumbo George Costanza like wallet in my front pocket (my theory is it was pressing into my hip when I was sitting). And I've been trying to wear looser pants (aka "fat pants") to not aggrevate the hip.

So things have been feeling a little better and I took my first short strides yesterday while walking around Jamaica Pond with Sonia.

Two 60 second jogs.

No immediate pain and I feel okay today.


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